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Biodiversity and investors

December 2022
Marketing Material

Nature: the economy's most valuable asset

In op-eds for leading newspapers in China and Canada, Pictet Asset Management Managing Partner and CEO Laurent Ramsey explains why investors should treat nature as the economy's most valuable asset.

Humans are driving animal and plant species to extinction and destroying their habitats to feed an ever-increasing population.

Biodiversity protection is now a priority that policymakers consider as urgent as halting global warming.

At the UN COP15 biodiversity summit in Montreal later this month, governments are expected to agree on groundbreaking targets to protect nature. But such discussions should not be confined to the policy arena.

The financial industry, too, must play a more active role.

As a steward of global capital, investors are uniquely positioned to help build an economy that works with, rather than against, nature.

Read the full article on Globe & Mail

Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post has also published Laurent's article on biodiversity in the past week. The Chinese version of this column appeared in Hong Kong Economic Times and the mainland's top business publication Caixin.

Read the full article here